Eating RAW

We decided to eat our food completely raw for the next 2 weeks. Why? To clean our body’s from all the toxins. And yes, this includes also raw meat and eggs. So today is day 6 and I feel absolutely wonderful!


Lunch: Everything RAW, mince with fresh herbs and spices, sweet corn and a vegetables salad with green,spicy salsa

Drinking a lot of tea and alkalized water, is very important to support the detoxification. Eating raw makes you feel so incredibly energized and healthy. Here are 6. main reason why eating raw is good for you:

  1. Enzymes: Raw food contains much more enzymes. Enzymes are very important for a healthy digestion. Enzyme poor diet can be one of the reasons for food allergys which can be observed as a bloated stomach,cramps, gases, just to mention a few symptoms.
  2. Mental Clarity: I feel like not only my body is detoxifying but also my mind.        Concentration and emotions are increased and feel clearer.
  3. Living Foods: The chi of food, you can feel it! Live Food has so much energy in it, cooking food decreases the nutritions and also destroys the life energy.
  4. Get leaner: Eating raw foods helps you to loose weight, all the positive benefits, like a better digestion and detoxifying lead to a leaner body.
  5. Detox: Raw food means that you stop the intake of toxic food, like processed food and refined sugar. Your intestinal will be cleaned. For a proper cleanse it takes a bit of time, but it’s worth when you think of all the health benefits.
  6. Immune system: Did you know that after eating cooked food the white blood cells in your digestion system increase? This is called “digestive leukocytosis”. An increase of white blood cells is associated with inflammation in the body. The ingestion of raw food doesn’t result in an increase of leukocyte.

At day 3 and 4 I had detox symptoms like a light headache and fatigue. Which is normal in a cleansing. Important is to keep in mind that you should support your body, by drinking enough herbal teas and water.

Are you scared of eating raw meat? Well, you have to be careful with where you buy your meat. I always go to the butcher and ask for fresh mince that I can use for steak tatar. The same with fish, just say it is for sashimi, that makes things a bit easier. But if you follow some simple rules, like buying fresh and good meat, keeping it cool and consume straight away, you don’t have to be afraid. I never got sick from raw meat.

What about eggs? If you have a healthy body than salmonella is not going to be a problem for you.

We try to eat only organic. This is even more important when you are eating raw. Once you get into it, you will find a lot of organic markets and shops with reasonable prices.


So happy to have his raw tuna in coconut milk 🙂 this is before we started the 2 weeks eating ONLY raw. But already tried to introduce a lot of raw food into our diet.

I will definitely continue eating most of my food RAW, after the 2 weeks cleanse. Recipes are coming soon!!

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